The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) develops the understanding and sustainable use and management of biological natural resources. This is achieved by research, education and environmental monitoring and assessment, in collaboration with the surrounding community. With more than 2 800 full-time staff and more than 3 800 students, SLU is a research-intensive university characterised by excellence in the natural sciences, but the research in the social sciences and in humanities is also strong. These sciences interface in courses and study programmes, as well as in research domains such as production, environment, health and quality of life.
The Department of Plant Breeding at SLU performs strategic and applied research on horticultural and agricultural crops with the aim to provide knowledge, tools and products for a bio-based economy, improved environment and human health. The vision is that the work shall make significant contributions to an efficient and sustainable production of food, feed and industrial products from plants. The Department has active public breeding programs on apple, potato, black currant and sea buckthorn targeting Northern Europe. Pre-breeding research activities are done on cereals, energy and oil crops, fruits and berries, and also includes domesticating species with high potential for food and non-food uses. The research is also directed towards the utilization of plant resources by assessing the extent of plant food waste in primary production, evaluating crops with bioactive compounds contributing to human health and nutrition, and developing food products and bio-based materials.