PlantEd – COST Action CA18111 – Genome editing in plants

Training School – Regulatory options for genome-edited plants and their derived products

The first PlantEd Training School is on the topic Regulatory Options for genome-edited plants and their derived products and will cover historical perspectives incl. innovation and precaution and regulatory frameworks. Challenges and options with perspectives on policy, risk assessment, detection tools, industry and consumer interests will be discussed, as well as how to move forward covering regulatory options and how science can have a voice in policy development.

The training will take place through lectures and group work. The detailed programme with sessions and trainers will be published here soon.


  1. Overview of the regulatory options for genome-edited plants and derived products, and their implementation in various countries and sectors.
  2. Future-oriented discussions on the risk assessment and risk management of genome-edited plants and plant-derived products in the EU.
  3. Potentials for learning from other countries such as Argentina, China or the United States.

Expected outputs:

  • Initial map of triggers for biosafety legislation
  • Identification of training capacities and needs for providing the combination of legal and scientific basis required for advising policy makers.

Venue and dates

The Training School will take place at the Manos Conference & Business Centre, Brussels, Belgium. The venue is kindly offered by the COST Association for this Training School, and it is situated near the Avenue Louise area in Brussels with several suitable hotels nearby.

Call launched:                                10 November, 2019

Application deadline:                   6 December, 2019

Expected decision:                        15 December, 2019

Training School:                             27-29 January, 2020


This call is open to all Action participants, but priority will be given to Early Career Investigators (ECIs). An ECI is a researcher with less than 8 years of experience from the date of obtaining the PhD.

Financial support

The financial support will be a fixed amount of maximum EUR 750 intended to help cover travel costs, including flight ticket, accommodation, local transport and meals.

There is no course fee applied to this Training School.

Following the COST rules, the grant is paid after the Training School has been completed and the participant has submitted a Travel Reimbursement Request (TRR) via e-COST. The grant will be paid directly to the bank account entered in the e-Cost system.

How to apply

Applications can be submitted on-line at

The application should contain the following parts:

  1. CV incl relevant publications (maximum 2 page)
  2. Short description of the field of work of the applicant, of the motivation for participating in this Training School and how the knowledge learned will be of future use to the applicant (maximum one page in total)

Evaluation of applications

The evaluation of the applications is performed jointly by the Training School local organizer, the Action Chair and the ECI Coordinator. An important evaluation criterion is how the Training School will contribute to the professional development of the applicant. Also ECI status, geographical balance, and gender balance will be considered. The Training School local organizer will inform every applicant of the outcome of the evaluation by e­mail. Selected trainees will receive further information on programme and logistical arrangements.


For more information and enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact the Training School local organizer, WG3 leader Dr Patrick Rüdelsheim (


COST Action PlantEd website

Information video from COST about Training Schools