PlantEd – COST Action CA18111 – Genome editing in plants

Upcoming genome editing webinars

Here follows a list of upcoming webinars and virtual events that may be of interest to anyone doing research on plant genome editing. Hyperlinks are provided in the titles.

18 Sept 2020

Agrifood Law Seminar

22-24 Sept 2020

European Research and Innovation Days

European Research and Innovation Days is the European Commission’s annual flagship event, bringing together policymakers, researchers, entrepreneurs and citizens to debate and shape the future of research and innovation in Europe and beyond.

23-24 Sept 2020

Plant Biotech in sub-Saharan Africa – technology transfer and new policies

In this two-part webinar we will discuss the implications of plant biotechnology policies with a focus on selected East and West African countries (day 1) as well as potential use of plant biotechnology for cassava and potato crop improvement in sub-Saharan Africa.

22 and 29 Sept, 6, 13 and 20 Oct 2020

One CGIAR Global Webinar Series: Genome Editing in Agriculture – Innovations for Sustainable Production and Food Systems

This webinar series will cover a number of timely topics, including 1) Applications of genome editing for crop and livestock improvement across CGIAR, 2) Regulation of genome edited plants and animals, and 3) Path to commercialization for genome editing crops.

Sept-Oct 2020


CRISPRcon is a unique forum bringing diverse voices together to discuss the future of CRISPR and related gene editing technologies across applications in agriculture, health, conservation, and more. CRISPRcon sparks curiosity, builds understanding, and highlights societal histories and other context relevant to decisions on gene editing technologies. CRISPRcon is a program of the Keystone Policy Center.

1-2 Oct 2020

Genome Editing in Europe: New Agenda or New Disputes?

The meeting intends to be an agora for discussing the latest aspects of GMOs in Europe and the world, focussing on the prospects of EU regulation in the field and on the optimal use of scientific findings in policy design and consumer protection. Additionally, the report commissioned by the German Science Academies and the German Research Foundation will be presented.

7 Oct 2020

Open-Access Policy Options for Digital Sequence Information (DSI)

This online event will present the policy paper and provide an interactive format for looking at the pros and cons as well as offer an opportunity for discussion. The event is hosted by the WiLDSI project, an interdisciplinary research project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) led by the Leibniz Institutes DSMZ and IPK to research viable open access DSI policy options and proactively involve the scientific stakeholder community.

13-14 Oct 2020

New genome editing technologies for medicine and agriculture – implications for society

Genome-editing techniques have sparked a revolution in biological and medical research, as they allow precise, user-defined modification of the genomes of almost any plant or animal. This symposium will present scientific breakthroughs and their implications for research and the public. In the end, this will help us understand how this technology may change our society.

20-21 Oct 2020

Gene Editing in Agriculture and Food: Social Concerns, Public Engagement and Governance

Understanding public concerns, values, and trust issues regarding gene editing in agriculture and food is a prerequisite to developing socially responsive policies, regulations, and private governance. This conference will present research and insights from social scientists and other scholars regarding social concerns and public engagement on gene editing in agriculture and food. It will explore the interrelationship of governance and engagement, identifying key considerations, responsibilities and opportunities.

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