Following last year´s success, we now continue with the PlantEd online lecture series on genome editing in plants with high-profile speakers. The series is organised by PlantEd WG1 leaders Dr Goetz Hensel ( and Dr Katrijn Van Laere ( and will continue regularly until the summer. It will be organised via Zoom. A separate announcement will be sent out to the PlantEd network before each event and also updated here on the website.
Here you can read about the 2022 online lectures.
Next webinar:
June 28, 2023 – 4 PM CET
Dr. Alain Tissier, Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry, Department of Cell and Metabolic Biology, Germany. Title: Fusion of viral 5′-exonucleases to Cas9 and Cas12a strongly increases homology directed repair in plants.
Dr. Petra Jorasch, Euroseeds, Belgium. Title: Quo vadis EU on NGTs? An industry perspective.
Here is the announcement for the 4th event in 2023, incl an introduction to the speakers together with registration link: announcement June 2023
Previous webinars 2023:
May 31, 2023 – 4 PM CET
Dr. Oliver March, Tropic Bioscience, Norwich, UK. Title: From technology to product: considerations of implementing cutting edge genome editing technologies for product development in tropical crops.
Dr. Mark Smedley, John Innes Centre, Norwich, UK. Title: Wheat transformation and genome editing – the new “model” system.
Here is the announcement for the 4th event in 2023, incl an introduction to the speakers together with registration link: announcement May 2023
April 26, 2023 – 4 PM CET
Dr. Ortrun Mittelsten Scheid, Austrian Academy of sciences, Gregor Mendel Institute of Molecular Plant Biology (GMI), Austria. Title: The shoot apical meristem: an arena for genetic parasites.
Dr. Christian Lorenzo, VIB, Ugent Center for Plant Systems Biology, Belgium. Title: BREEDIT: a multiplex gene editing pipeline to generate high order mutant populations in Zea mays.
Here is the announcement for the 3rd event in 2023, incl an introduction to the speakers together with registration link: announcement April 2023
March 29, 2023 – 4 PM CET
Dr. Juan M Debernardi, UC Davis, Dept. of Plant Sciences, USA. Title: Improving plant regeneration accelerates wheat improvement with genome editing technologies.
Dr. Pierre-François Perroud, INRAE, France – Exploring Prime Editing in the model plant Physcomitrium patens. Title: Exploring Prime Editing in the model plant Physcomitrium patens.
Here is the announcement for the 2nd event in 2023, incl an introduction to the speakers together with registration link: announcement March 2023_fv
With kind permission of the speakers, here is a recording of the 29 March webinar:
January 25, 2023 – 4 PM CET
Dr. Fred Van Ex, Inari Agriculture, Belgium. Title: Accelerated crop improvement in maize and soy through application of Inari´s SEEDesign platform.
Prof. Jens Boch, Institute of Plant Genetics, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany. Title: TALEs, TALEN and TALE-base editors in plant genome editing.
Here is the announcement for the 1st event in 2023, incl an introduction to the speakers together with registration link: announcement January 2023